The Japanese word Reiki literally means “universal life energy”. It is an all-encompassing, all-pervading and unifying life force. Everything that lives; plants, animals and people need this energy to live, grow, recover from disease and develop. That energy is all around us and has a nourishing effect on our body, mind and emotional life.
Originally, all people had a channel to pass on Reiki power, to let the universal life energy flow freely. But over the years / centuries, humanity has become clogged and started to live less consciously, so that the energy could no longer flow optimally. Also, this power, which is given to us at birth, becomes blocked by repressing painful experiences, negative emotions and feelings that we experience throughout our lives. This especially happens in the first years of life. In almost everyone, that ability is blocked to a greater or lesser extent. We block ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The universal life energy can no longer fully flow through these blockages.
Reiki is distinguished from other healing arts by the initiation process that students go through at the various and increasingly essential stages of the Reiki experience.

The Reiki initiations provide us with ancient, handed down consciousness techniques that lift our physical and etheric bodies to a higher vibrational level. Reiki opens up a number of energy centers (chakras), a channel, so that we can let the universal life force flow and vibrate more intensively through our own being. This energy flows through the entire channel, through your chakras into the earth.
In a Reiki treatment, the Reiki power flows in through your crown chakra and flows through the upper energy centers to your heart chakra and from there to your hands from where you can pass it on to yourself or others. Giving a treatment cannot be exhausting because with every treatment your own body is also supplemented with extra energy. Self-treatment with Reiki is a very effective way to achieve total relaxation and release from stress.
Reiki strengthens the energy of the life force in the body and thus promotes, among other things, the balance in the physical and etheric body. Reiki promotes the release of restrained emotions and energy blockages. Reiki is not a religion but a very old science that has been hidden for thousands of years.
Anita is a Reiki master since 2007
She regularly initiates people into Reiki grade 1 and then also grades 2 and 3. She gives 2 day courses where you receive information/workbook, undergo meditations, practice together and are finally initiated into the Reiki degree.
After undergoing the initiation of the first degree, you can treat yourself but you can also treat other people, even animals. You practice with this and receive information about this and treatment cards, also for horse, dog and cat.
At the end of each course/degree, you will receive a certificate.

Reiki Grade 1 is for your physical and etheric body (body aura): treating yourself and others.
It is the degree of awareness:
- It is opening the energy channel by receiving 4 initiations (2 days, 2 per day with 4 hours in between)
- Cleaning, you treat yourself every day for 6 weeks
- Self healing
Reiki Grade 2 mainly focuses on the emotional and mental body:
- You can now also heal karma, heal past lives and work with affirmations.
- It is the degree of deepening
- Strengthening your ability as a channel
- Learning new techniques (including working with symbols and distance treatment)
- Receiving spiritual lessons
Reiki Grade 3 focuses on the spiritual body and soul consciousness. You will learn 2 symbols that you need to initiate.
A subdivision is often made into 3A and 3B.
At 3A you learn the 4th symbol and how to work with it.
At 3B you learn the 5th symbol and (this is actually the master’s degree) how to give initiations.
3A is the degree of letting go
3B is the degree of detachment
- Enlargement of the opening of the Reiki channel. The channel is opened further, making the Reiki energy more powerful.
- You are capable of giving initiations to others
- Gives more depth to your own spiritual development